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​ ​ ​ ​ ​ I'm thrilled you've happened upon my Reiki Website! Perhaps you've wondered about Reiki ... ... or maybe you've never heard of it! On these pages I will tell you about Reiki and a bit about myself. ​ My schedule for sessions is as follows: Sundays:  ------------------- Mondays: 10:00am - 8:00pm Tuesdays:  10:00am - 8:00pm Wednesdays: 10:00am - 8:00pm Thursdays:  10:00am - 8:00pm Fridays: 10:00am - 8:00pm Saturdays: 10:00am - 4:00pm ​ My schedule can be subject to change and I have been known to schedule sessions and classes on days and times other than those listed above, so give me a call and ask about scheduling a session or class at a time that's more convenient for you!  It doesn't hurt to ask!  ​ So, in other words, please don't fret if the above times don't jive with your schedule! Just contact me and I'm sure we can find a time that works for both (or all) of us! Simply browse through the following pages! If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to experience a Reiki Session for yourself,  or perhaps treat a friend or loved one to a session, or even if you'd like to enroll in a Reiki Class, please feel free to contact me! I'll be sure to respond! Happy Browsing! ​ Louise London-Choate  MS, CCC/SLP(R), CRMT Reiki Practitioner/Healer & Master Teacher

Special  Event



My  Dear  Friends ~


Now that beautiful autumn colors 

have begun to appear  in 

"these here parts" 

of New England,

I've decided to offer yet another

“Golden Reiki Opportunity!"


Basically, this event is a raffle,

an opportunity to win a warm, relaxing, calming, healing
60-minute Reiki Healing Session that will take place

at my Reiki Studio in Malden, MA,
or in the comfort of your home.


In other words, if you are the winner of this offer,

you may opt for an in-person or a distance session.

Your choice!

You may be located nearby or far from me ...

anywhere in MA, 

anywhere in the USA, 

anywhere in the world ...

anywhere at all! 

Distance Reiki is pretty amazing!


To learn more about Reiki, please continue browsing this website,

the one you're currently on



To learn more about Distance Reiki,

please go to the Distance Reiki page on this website!


Or feel free to connect with me and ask some questions!


As always these "Golden" sessions are free of cost!

Just let me know that you’d like to be

part of the adventure and,

like other

“Golden Reiki Opportunities”

of yore,

I’ll add your name to my bowl!


Anyone can enter for a chance to win,

whether or not you’ve ever experienced

Reiki with me or with anyone else!


Yes, anyone can enter this event, even if you've already won,
even if you've entered past events,

even if ANYTHING!

Anyone can absolutely enter the drawing!

That means YOU!


So ... pretty please do!


The lucky winner’s name will be plucked from my bowl

by a willingly-blindfolded volunteer

on or about November 1st of the current year!


Please contact me soon,  SOON,  SOON

in order to participate in this delightfully fun adventure

before you forget!

All you need to do is email or text or call me

and, thus, let me know

you’d like to participate in this raffle!


This costs absolutely nothing!


Please feel free to share this information

with those who might be interested in this offer!


I hope and pray for the safety and good health

of your loved ones and you!


SO looking forward to hearing from you!


Good luck!

Bonne chance!
Buena suerte!





Once a winner has been selected,

I will make the announcement here! 


So stay tuned!


Who knows?


The winner might be YOU!!!


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