Reiki, Relaxation, & Healing

Classes in Usui Reiki
I offer the following classes in
Usui Reiki
at my studio:
Reiki Level I Practitioner
Reiki Level II Practitioner
Reiki Level III Master Practitioner / Advanced Healing Techniques
Reiki Master Teacher
Every person's experience is special!!
Each and every experience is unique!!
I promise that I will provide you with a quality class
and that I will share with you all that I know
about each level of Reiki!
I'll be thorough in my teaching!
It's important to me that
you have adequate time for questions and discussion!
I want you to have as much time as you need!
Admittedly, my classes can be long and intense,
but just think of the amazing and miraculous skills you will learn,
specialized skills that you will have throughout your life!
I will be honored if you choose me to be your teacher!
I take this responsibility very seriously!
Reiki I Practitioner Class
Please let me know if you'd like to enroll in this class!
You can contact me via text, email, phone call ...
The Reiki I class is the beginning of your professional relationship with Reiki.
You will learn how to provide yourself and others with physical healing.
What will you learn?
~ information about spiritual healing
~ traditional hand placements
~ the History of Reiki
~ the Reiki Principles (their meaning and significance)
~ how to recite the Reiki Principles in English and in Japanese
~ Gassho Meditation
~ scanning the body
~ several specialized Reiki healing techniques that can help
purify and boost your energy field,
bring down fever,
and reduce toxins
~ and more!!!
You will experience hands-on practice on yourself and others
so that you will feel sufficiently secure using Reiki.
The Reiki I Class will begin an endless path of healing discovery for you!
Your Reiki I Attunement will permanently activate, align, and clear your ability to channel Reiki so that you will be able to immediately begin providing healing to others,
plants, animals, yourself ...
everything you touch!
Additionally, you will receive comprehensive Reiki I reference materials
that cover the material presented in the class and more!
Once you become attuned you will be eligible to attend my Reiki Shares where you will have the opportunity to receive Reiki Healing from other Reiki Practitioners and, also, be able to further develop your skills and build your confidence offering Reiki to others. At the Reiki Shares you will be able to meet other like-minded Reiki Practitioners who, as you, are on a path of healing and spiritual development. Thus, you will begin to grow your own
Reiki Community!
Additionally, anytime following your Reiki Level I Class,
I will be available to support you, guide you,
and share my experience with you whenever you have questions.
Simply contact me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
One-Day Class: 8:30am(ish) - 8:00pm(ish) or possibly later
Two-Day Class: two half-days
Prerequisite: a desire to learn Reiki Level I
Class Fee: $150.00, including comprehensive reference materials
A non-refundable down payment may be required.
For those who have learned Reiki I with another teacher,
this class can provide additional information and skills,
perhaps a different perspective,
further support and training that you possibly might feel you need, etc.
Retake/Resit Fee: $50.00 for my former students only; includes Re-Attunement
For payment I accept cash, checks, Venmo, Zelle, and Cash App.
Kindly make out any check(s) for my services to "Louise A London". Thank you.
Ongoing & Scheduled Upon Request
The next
Reiki Level I Class
is scheduled for
Saturday, February 22, 2025!
Classes conducted in Malden, MA
~ Other dates and locations arranged upon request ~
Contact Me and Register for your Reiki I Class now!!!
Reiki II Practitioner Class
Please let me know if you'd like to enroll in this class!
You can contact me via text, email, phone call ...
In Reiki II your healing skills will continue to grow!
Initially, we'll chant the Reiki Principles and experience a short meditation which will be followed by your Reiki II Attunement.
What will you learn?
~ Distance Reiki
~ mental and emotional healing
~ three sacred Reiki Symbols
(how to draw them and use them for healing)
~ a basic understanding of the chakra system,
the subtle bodies,
and the sources of disease
so that you will better understand
the subtle effects of healing with Reiki
~ practical and specialized Japanese Reiki techniques including
a method of performing Distance Reiki,
a technique of healing unwanted habits,
and methods that enable you to heal with your breath and eyes,
~ and more!!!
You will receive comprehensive Reiki II reference materials that cover the material taught in the class and more!
You will always be welcome to attend my Reiki Shares where you will continue to have the opportunity to receive Reiki Healing from other Reiki Practitioners and, also, be able to further develop your skills and confidence offering Reiki to others. At the Reiki Shares you will meet other like-minded Reiki Practitioners who, as you, are on a path of healing and spiritual development. Thus, you will continue to grow your own
Reiki Community!
Additionally, anytime following your Reiki Level II Class,
I will be available to support you, guide you,
and share my experience with you whenever you have questions.
Simply contact me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
One Day Class: 8:30am(ish) - 7:00pm(ish) or possibly earlier
Two-Day Class: two half-days
Prerequisite: certification in Reiki Level I
For others those who have learned Reiki II with another teacher,
this class can provide additional information and skills,
perhaps a different perspective,
further support and training that you possibly might feel you need, etc.
Class Fee: $250.00, including comprehensive reference materials
A non-refundable down payment may be required.
Retake/Resit Fee: $50.00 for my former students only; includes Re-Attunement
For payment I accept cash, checks, Venmo, Zelle, and Cash App.
Kindly make out any check(s) for my services to "Louise A London". Thank you.
Ongoing & Scheduled Upon Request
The next
Reiki Level II Class
is scheduled for
Saturday, April 26, 2025!
Classes conducted in Malden, MA
~ Other dates and locations arranged upon request ~
Contact Me and Register for your Reiki II Class NOW!!!
Reiki III Master Practitioner / Advanced Healing Techniques Class
Please let me know if you'd like to enroll in this class!
You can contact me via text, email, phone call ...
This level is for those wanting to make a commitment to reiki
and make it an important part of their lives.
Reiki Level III enables you to have a greater understanding of the system of Reiki.
Becoming a Reiki III Master Practitioner and/or Reiki Master Teacher represents a deep commitment to the practice of Reiki.
Based on my own training, I divide Reiki III into two distinct parts:
Reiki III Master Practitioner / Advanced Healing Techniques
Reiki Master Teacher.
Reiki III has been divided in such a way because not all students are interested in teaching Reiki. Some people prefer to receive
the Third Degree/Master Attunement but have no interest in teaching.
My Reiki Level Three Master Practitioner / Advanced Healing Techniques Class
can be the doorway to
my 3-day Reiki Master Teacher Class,
should you choose to enter!
It can be the introduction to and the first day of your Reiki Master Teacher Class!
Your Reiki III Master Practitioner / Advanced Healing Techniques Class
enables you to provide healing at the Spiritual Level for others and for yourself. Initially you and the other students will share your experiences using the First and Second Degree energies, followed by questions and discussion. We'll chant the Reiki Principles and experience an Archangel Meditation which will be followed by your
Reiki III Master Practitioner / Advanced Healing Techniques Attunement.
What will you learn?
~ the Master Symbol
(how to draw it and how to use it for healing)
~ an Archangel meditation
~ the Three Diamonds meditation
~ a Reiki Healing Attunement
that you yourself will be able to perform
(and which can help to remove blocks and accelerate healing at all levels)
~ alternative healing symbols
originating from reiki modalities other than Usui
~ providing Reiki Healing to animals
~ further teaching about crystals
~ how to set up a Reiki Business and healing space
where you can offer professional sessions to your own clients
(including an in-depth discussion of setting up a space, bookkeeping,
legalities, and some marketing strategies
that can help you build your business, gain positive recognition,
and generate the clients you want to help)
~ how to use Reiki to clear any space
(your home, your place of work, your car, any room, etc.) ...
Some folks offer this service as part of their business for a fee!
~ and more!!!
Reiki III begins an accelerated path of clearing and healing your Spiritual Body, coined Shinpiden (Mystery Teaching) by Mikao Usui.
You will always be welcome to attend my Reiki Shares where you will continue to have the opportunity to receive Reiki Healing from other Reiki Practitioners and, also, be able to further develop your skills and confidence offering Reiki to others. At the Reiki Shares you will meet other like-minded Reiki Practitioners who, as you, are on a path of healing and spiritual development. Thus, you will continue to grow your own
Reiki Community!
Additionally, anytime following your Reiki Level III / Advanced Healing Techniques Class,
I will be available to support you, guide you,
and share my experience with you whenever you have questions.
Simply contact me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
One Day Class: 8:30am(ish) - 6:00pm(ish) or thereabouts
Prerequisites: certification in Reiki Level I and Reiki Level II
Class Fee: Please inquire.
A non-refundable down payment may be required.
For others (who have learned Reiki III with another teacher) this class might provide
additional information, empowerment, and skills;
perhaps a different perspective;
further support and training you possibly might feel you need; etc.
Retake/Resit fee: $50.00 for my former students only; includes Re-Attunement.
For payment I accept cash, checks, Venmo, Zelle, and Cash App.
Kindly make out any check(s) for my services to "Louise A London". Thank you.
Ongoing and Scheduled Upon Request
The next
Reiki Level III / Advanced Healing Techniques Class
is scheduled for
​Saturday, June 21, 2025!
Classes conducted in Malden, MA
~ Other dates and locations arranged upon request ~
Contact Me and Register for your
Reiki III Practitioner / Advanced Healing Techniques Class
Reiki Master Teacher Class
Please let me know if you'd like to enroll in this 3-day class!
You can contact me via text, email, phone call ...
The schedule for this particular class is often initiated by YOU!!!
The Reiki Master Teacher Level is the final level of Usui Reiki Training,
This class will enable you to teach and attune others to Reiki,
it will further empower you on your spiritual journey,
and it will assist you to connect with a deeper level of energy
on a spiritual plane.
The Reiki Master Teacher Class
can allow you to connect to an inner peace and serenity,
as well as to a sense of oneness with others
and with the universe.
Thus, this is soul healing.
This level is for those wanting to make a commitment to reiki
and make it an important part of their lives.
Becoming a Reiki III Master Practitioner and/or Reiki Master Teacher represents a deep commitment to the practice of Reiki.
Reiki III begins an accelerated path of clearing and healing your Spiritual Body,
coined Shinpiden (Mystery Teaching) by Mikao Usui.
As mentioned above, at my studio Reiki III has two distinct parts:
Reiki III / Advanced Healing Techniques
Reiki Master Teacher.
Reiki III has been divided in such a way because
not all students are interested in teaching Reiki.
Thus, some people prefer to receive
the Third Degree Attunement but have no desire to teach Reiki.
You may certainly combine
the Reiki III / Advanced Healing Techniques Class
with the Reiki Master Teacher Class,
and that way you can take both classes together
or, one after the other!
There is a misconception that once you become a Reiki Master Teacher,
you must teach, but this is not necessarily the case.
If you do want to share Reiki with others as a teacher,
then certainly enroll in this class,
but there are other reasons to take this class
other than to learn how to teach Reiki!
There are many who complete this class solely
for personal use and with no plans to teach.
They may take the class for their own use or
for family, friends, pets ...
This class can help accelerate your personal growth and evolution,
expand your spiritual awareness, and
facilitate more well-being, ease, and joy in your life.
Who can't use that?
Enrolling in the Reiki Master Teacher Level Class
allows you to increasingly
exhibit and demonstrate this
high vibration energy with your every word and action.
Thus, eventually there is no longer any room for hatred,
or judgement, or gossip in your life.
This class completes the cycle of energy healing from physical to emotional to soul.
Body, Mind, and Spirit ... considered to be a holistic triangle.
We can only achieve health when all three are in balance.
Yes, there are those who complete this class solely for personal use
and with no plans to teach.
As we've learned in earlier classes,
Reiki allows us to attain our optimal state of balance in every which way ...
physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!
The Attunement for Reiki Master Teacher bestows upon you
the authority
to teach Reiki to others
and to attune them to the Reiki energy!
You will learn everything you need to know about giving attunements for Reiki I,
Reiki II, Reiki III/Advanced Healing Techniques Practitioner, and Reiki Master Teacher!
You will practice performing Attunements until you feel confident doing so!
Learning to pass Attunements is so very empowering!
We will discuss all the levels of Reiki from the teaching perspective in comprehensive detail, so you leave with a good idea of what to teach at each level.
Yes, you will be taught how to devise your very own lesson plans
that will help you teach each level of Reiki!
And to give you added perspective, we will discuss other styles of Reiki in the world today,
such as Jikiden Reiki.
And, if you haven't taken Reiki III / Advanced Healing Techniques with me,
we will discuss how to set up
a Reiki Business and healing space
where you can offer professional sessions to your very own clients
(including discussion of setting up a space, bookkeeping,
legalities, and some marketing strategies
that can help you build your business, gain positive recognition,
and generate the clients you want to help)!
You will always be welcome to attend my once-monthly Reiki Shares where you will continue to have the opportunity to receive Reiki Healing from other Reiki Practitioners and, also, be able to further develop your skills and confidence offering Reiki to others. At the Reiki Shares you will meet other like-minded Reiki Practitioners who, as you, are on a path of healing and spiritual development. Thus, you will continue to grow your own
Reiki Community!
Additionally, anytime following your Reiki Master Teacher Class,
I will be available to support you, guide you,
and share my experience with you whenever you have questions.
Simply contact me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
Three Days: 9:30am(ish) - 5pm(ish)
Prerequisites: certification in Reiki Level I, Reiki Level II,
and Reiki Level III / Advanced Learning Techniques
Class Fee: Please inquire.
A non-refundable down payment may be required.
For payment I accept cash, checks, Venmo, Zelle, and Cash App.
Kindly make out any check(s) for my services to "Louise A London". Thank you.
For others (who have taken the Reiki Master Teacher class with another teacher)
this class might provide
additional information, empowerment, and skills;
perhaps a different perspective;
further support and training you possibly might feel you need; etc.
Ongoing and Scheduled Upon Request
The next 3-day
Reiki Master Teacher Class
has not yet been scheduled,
but possible dates for the first session
of this class are as follows ...
Saturday, January 11th
Saturday, January 18th
Saturday, January 25th
Please feel free to contact me with a few dates
when you will be available so that together
we can possibly make these classes
convenient for you!
Classes conducted in Malden, MA
~ Other dates and locations arranged upon request ~
Contact Me and Register for your Reiki Master Teacher Certification NOW!!!