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Reiki in the Time of



What a strange time we're living in!

I don't know about you, but

I can't quite believe it!

It’s been so ridiculously long

since I’ve been in touch with some of you!


I hope and pray our time apart has been full of

peace, contentment, and good health

for you and your loved ones.


As for me,

I've been busy with Distance Reiki Sessions

and feedback has been highly positive!

And that, of course,

has been heartening!



more recently

and at long last,

my hubby and I have been able to

begin spending time with

our precious grandbabies!

It was tough being away from them

for so long!


In the meantime ...

I've missed you all!


I've missed providing in-person sessions and

teaching in-person classes!


I've missed spending time with each of you face-to-face!


I've missed hosting Reiki Clinics and Reiki Shares!


I've missed being in the presence of your loving spirits

and seeing your beautiful faces!

Thank you for your much-appreciated support

throughout our current social distancing experiment!


Thank you for the emails, the texts, the messages!


Thank you muchly for purchasing Gift Certificates,

for requesting Distance Reiki Sessions,

and for understanding the restrictions under which

my business has (or, rather, has not) been operating!


I appreciate you all!


I’d hoped to offer in-person services by now

but my age and my family’s concern

have kept me hunkered down at home.


As you well know,

we‘re living in a very unusual time

and it’s difficult to gauge and predict

when and how “things” will improve.


I’m hoping in-person services will resume

in the not-too-distant future ...

but I can’t be sure or make any promises.

However, if I have your email address,

I will notify you as soon as I've come to a decision

on this matter!


Before this I'd hoped to resume

in June of 2020

and then in August,

but, obviously, that didn’t happen.

Thus, the future is still iffy.

I'll make changes to this section of my webpage,

as I'm able.


I hope you understand,

and, as ever,

I thank you for your patience.

Even though I’m not yet quite ready to resume in-person services,

I want to let you know that those of you who have

an unused gift certificate from

AVIVA Reiki, Relaxation, & Healing

for a Reiki Healing Session

can use the gift certificate for

an in-person session or a distance session!

Your choice!


You might just love the experience!

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact me via email or phone!


My studio is located in Malden, Massachusetts!


And, if you have a moment, fill out the form below

so that I can contact you about updates, events, clinics, shares, and more!




Phone:  617-460-2053

Thanks for submitting!

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